E-Editions on Your Kindle

The e-edition can be downloaded in e-book format directly to your Amazon Kindle 2. Unfortunately, Amazon does not allow the e-edition to be automatically sent to your Kindle 2 each day. However, we have set it up so you can easily download each day's edition. It can also be downloaded to your computer and then transferred to your Kindle via its USB cable.

Downloading e-editions to your Kindle 2:

  1. From your home screen, bring up the menu by pressing the MENU button and select "Experimental."
  2. Select "Launch Browser". This will open the Kindle 2's web browser.
  3. Press MENU again and select "Enter URL."
  4. Using the keypad, type in the following web address: tampatribune.fl.newsmemory.com/ebook.php. Then press the [enter] key. This will take you to the e-book editions page.
  5. Select the "E-Books" link next to "Amazon Kindle" to go to the downloads page (you may be asked for your e-edition username and password). This page will list all the dates for which the e-edition is currently available.
  6. Now, bookmark this page so that you don't have to type in the address again. To do this, open the menu and select "Bookmark This Page."
  7. Using the 5-way controller, move the cursor to the date you want and click on it. Click again when it asks if you want to download the file.
  8. IMPORTANT: make sure you wait until the file downloads completely. This will be indicated by the progress indicator in the upper-left corner of the screen changing from "0%" to "Done." If you exit the web browser before it says "Done," the file will fail to download.
  9. Once the download is complete, press the HOME button. The e-book you just downloaded will automatically appear in the list on your home screen, marked "new."

Reading an e-edition on your Kindle 2:

Kindle 1 users:

The newspaper format used on the original Kindle is significantly different than that used on the Kindle 2. For this reason, the e-book version supplied here will only function correctly on the Kindle 2. It is possible that in the future a version could be made available for users of the original Kindle.
